Categories Archives: The Problem: Civilization

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Activists Occupy Site of Proposed Mine That Would Provide 25% of World’s Lithium Supply

For Immediate Release Contact:    Max Wilbert and Will Falk via our Contact Form Activists Occupy Site of Proposed Mine That Would Provide 25% of World’s Lithium Supply Lithium is the miracle element powering your smartphone and under the hood of every electric car. But will batteries save the planet or cause more harm? The […]

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Protect The Elliott State Forest – DEADLINE TOMORROW

via Doug Pollock / Friends of OSU Old Growth Creating a Positive Future for the Elliott State Research Forest (ESRF): It’s important to be aware of the history and shortcomings of both OSU’s forest management and the Elliott process so we can choose a more positive path going forward. I’ve provided an update on the […]

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This is an unconscionable betrayal

Carol Van Strum / Newport News Times Featured image by Dennis Demick, showing clearcuts in central Oregon. Most of the uncut, green areas in this photo are industrial forest lands growing monocrop plantations, not healthy natural forests. CC BY-NC-ND 2.0 Governor Brown touted the recent Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) between timber corporations and environmental groups […]

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Over 50% of Oregon in Severe Drought… in November

The US drought monitor (most recently updated November 13th) shows that 51.9% of Oregon’s land mass is in “severe drought,” with 34.3% in “extreme drought” characterized by major crop/pasture losses, and widespread water shortages or restrictions. This news comes as California battles extreme November wildfires. Eugene had 15 inches of rain less than normal during […]

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